Monday, June 28, 2010

"Complicated Government"

The belief that government has to be complicated is an illusion that government orchestrates to protect their jobs. If the truth were known, running the country is not complicated, at least it doesn’t have to be and the need for high paid bureaucrats and politicians would vanish. If you remove the double talk of bureaucrats, politics and past politics from running the country it would become very easy to run the country.

Bureaucrats and politicians like to feel important and the best way for bureaucrats and politicians to achieve this feeling of importance is to make the common person believe that we need bureaucrats and politicians. Everything is made to sound complicated only so that we think bureaucrats and politicians must be smart. It is only because the government has created such an unnecessary complicated way of running the government that we are not easily able to see through the illusion.

The best way to see through the illusion that government needs to be complicated is to consider what we need the federal government for to begin with. First of all, the federal government was created to serve the stakeholders; in this case Canadians. How do Canadians need to be served? We need to maintain the sovereignty of our nation, so we need armed forces to protect our coastline and our country. We need law, order and justice so that Canadians are protected from criminals and so that criminals are put behind bars. We need federal government to administer banking structures and protocols to ensure financing and credit is available to business and individuals. We need federal government to administer social net programs and programs to promote Canadian culture. We need federal government to administer acceptable work standards and product/service standards. We need federal government to administer border services.

Some of what the federal government undertake to deliver on happens to be services we do need. What we don’t need the federal government doing is the way they undertake to deliver these services. Out of the cost of delivering these services 90 cents of the dollar is unnecessarily wasted. What this means to Canadians and business is that our taxes could be 90% less and we would still receive the same benefit. Ninety cents out of every tax dollar is wasted due to the over complicated way the federal government undertakes delivering services to Canadians. This 90% waste covers the unnecessary galas and the executive welfare cost of our bureaucrats and politicians.

Even with all this waste Canadians still don’t receive the services that they should. The average Canadian receives less than 15% of their tax dollar in services. In order for the average Canadian to receive the 15% worth of their tax dollar they would have to be both alive and dead, rich and poor, healthy and sick, employed and unemployed. The list goes on, but the point is that the average Canadian would have to qualify for all of these criteria at the same time in order to benefit from 15% of their tax dollar. The other 85% of the Canadian tax dollar covers the costs of all the unnecessary make work projects of Canada’s executive welfare.

The reason why Canadians don’t have the services and support programs they need and should have is simply because of the cost of unnecessary make work projects that support the executive welfare that is associated with providing the service and support programs Canadians need and should have. Remember, in the article on legislation I mentioned the CRTC and how the legislation created was supposed to protect the privacy of Canadians in not being harassed by telemarketers in their homes was counteractive to the intent. Instead of protecting Canadian’s privacy in their homes the CRTC legislation gave telemarketers the legal right to invade the privacy of Canadians. The cost of all of this unnecessary CRTC legislation as well as the ongoing review and re-review make work projects for the executive welfare.

This is part of the unnecessary cost I am talking about. Instead of the legislation and the review and re-review, simply produce a law that states that if you bother Canadians at home you will be personally responsible and make a penalty that comes down hard on telemarketing companies that break the law. If we did this, there would be no review and re-review making work projects for the executive welfare and Canadians would have the peace and quiet of the privacy in their own homes. This is a case (of which there are thousands) where the federal government undertakes making running the country unnecessarily complicated and unnecessarily expensive. The exorbitant cost of the CRTC legislation regarding telemarketers being reduced to zero and the immediate effect would be to provide Canadians instant privacy in their own homes.

The unnecessary cost of the executive welfare deliberating over what Canadians need could be reduced to asking Canadians what they need. If you take a look at what the executive welfare that run this country think Canadians need, then you would probably agree it is time to ask Canadians. It would be impossible for the majority of Canadians to be more plundering than what our executive welfare has proved to have been. One thing is for sure and that is that the cost savings of not creating make work projects for the executive welfare would have to put us further ahead.