Canadian bureaucrats, senators, politicians, legislative framers, Canada’s executive welfare are now confirmed to be the catalyst most likely to manifest into any real Canadian apocalypse. From within the evasive tax dollar-consuming gearbox of the federal government, the country is being sold out. Legislative enabled make work projects earmarked for some of Canada’s most protected executive welfare, both elected and non-elected, are nearing their peak in eroding national sovereignty, human rights and economic stability. The level of effort being initiated by this federal social club has reached treasonous undertakings. Canadian’s need to immediately pay close attention and ensure that they are heard.
Senior federal hierarchy is responsible for Canada’s fragile economic position being based too much on exports susceptible to global economy roller coaster instability. Neglect of national domestic trade stability is conclusive evidence of internal treasonous undertakings undermining Canada’s ability to ensure Canadian independence. Even more explosive than national independence is the onslaught of legislation decisively designed to underpin the individual’s ability to find stable work, to find themselves free from residential rent, from enjoying peace and harmony resulting from adherence to human rights and from being all you either want to be or can be.
Federal program services that should be don’t exist because of the cost of federal program services and executive welfare that shouldn’t be. The shortcomings of individual protection service programs, small business-support programs and domestic trade legislative policies are only part of the federal pitchfork used by Canada’s executive welfare recipients against Canadians. Another prong of this pitchfork can be found in the legislation that shouldn’t be. Legislation is means to the efforts made by the executive welfare that threatens national sovereignty, human rights and economic stability through foreign alienation permeating out of international trade agreements.
The federal government process and enabling legislation, from which the federal government alleges to have a legal means and right to initiate, uphold and execute, supposedly by the majority and thus brought into law by the force of the majority, is being misrepresented and misused. Government’s only arguments supporting a process that allows a government to only be supported by 10% of the population, yet bring into law legislation, which offends the vast majority is that governments have always been ran like this, as though 2 wrongs make a right. Government may have always gotten away with this treason, however, most criminals do always get away with their crimes until they are caught and humanity suffers until they are caught. The second argument is that the political system allows a political party to harass a constituent’s representative into betraying the constituent. Democracy is the constituent’s right of representation by an elected representative. If the constituent’s representative is going to be coerced into betraying the constituent’s majority views, then democracy has failed. Any legislation made into law because the votes of the required majority have been attained in contempt of any integrity for democracy would mean then that government efforts would be treasonous and the ill-fated law would be bogus.
The majority of Canadians don’t vote and the most common reason is that their vote wouldn’t make any difference because political parties are all alike; it is just a game they play. Why vote? The MP’s are only going to vote the way they are told and forced to vote by the party whip whose job it is to intimidate and pressure MPs into voting the party way.
There is no point in voting and no point in even having a representative because the bureaucrats run the country; the politicians are just puppets. The bureaucrats are not elected, they are there forever or at least until Canadians revolt. I wouldn’t vote because why be a part of the corrosive legislation government brings into law based on the alleged force of the majority. I certainly wouldn’t want government claiming any of my individual force, especially if it means its going to be misused and worse, used against me to my demise.
It doesn’t take too much to definitively conclude that the majority of Canadians that don’t vote don’t because government is a waste of time. It doesn’t take much to definitively conclude that the government we have is a waste, period.
The truth of the matter, although it hurts in every way possible, is that 62% plus of the entire cost of the federal government is dedicated to causing strife in the Canadian economy, disparities among people, hostility between provinces and resentments between Canadians and immigrants. This is all achieved through ill conceived legislation resulting in Canadians being too busy looking for work to keep tabs on government or Canadians are to preoccupied with their focus on the blatant news headlines to realize that government is behind the scheme. It is like using a public washroom and smelling the poop, but not knowing who left the stink.
The government and this executive welfare social club are wizards at creating illusions. Seeing through these illusions only requires asking ourselves, “Who benefits?” Knowing how this works will allow Canadians to know with all their heart, mind and soul that the biggest form of terrorism in Canada today and for quite some time has been government. Knowing how the simple task of asking oneself “Who benefits?” can lead to definitive knowledge of what the government is doing and how the government is getting away with it is the fist step to resolve. This then reveals exactly what we need to do in order to right the many wrongs of Canadian government and crimes against humanity, at least Canadian humanity.
By the time you have completed reading the information that you will be provided with, you will be able to not only understand and be able to defend your beliefs, you will likely stand together with the majority of Canadians and make real change for the immediate improvements reflective of the majority. Another great relief will be your self-knowledge of having no need to either hear anything a politician has to say nor will you have any interest in even telling a politician what is needed and hoping the politician will represent the majority. Instead, the majority will provide the government with the process; the interpretations, the protocols and the government will do exactly as they are told. Canadians will have the amount of government they need, the programs they need and the cost of providing the government and programs we either need or want will be half the cost of the government’s problematic, self-serving and corrosive programs served up to Canadians by the executive welfare we definitely don’t need.
In upcoming submissions you will be provided with irrefutable self-determining conclusions that will enlighten some to the reality of the federal government’s vision for our nation and the outcome of their initiatives having reached epic proportions of sheer treason-like results. This won’t enlighten all people, for some people are already aware so their enlightenment might be in knowing there are many others who know and share this knowledge and are ready to make a difference.
The reality of the matter is that likely the vast majority of Canadians already know and have these feelings, but just can’t put their finger on it. From personal polls that were done, about 80% plus hold the government totally responsible for the stink hole that the economy is in, lack of effective national trade stabilizing formulae, erosion of law, order and justice, lack of any vision that would be any longer term than that in between elections. The list goes on relentlessly.
The upcoming submissions will also inform you of what amount of government we do need and how that government we decide we need would perform. Canadians from across the country will be asked to take part in an information collecting and sharing focus group. This focus group will be polling participants for their yay and nay votes on various proposed strategies, legislation needs, job descriptions and mandates of our elected and non-elected government officials and their wages, benefits and budgets. In a nutshell, bureaucrats, if there are any left when we are done and politicians would never be in a position where they had to think. If where the Canadian economy has gone is any reflection of our bureaucrat’s and politician’s thinking, then anyone with only a fair shake for the obvious would be well aware that we certainly don’t need this executive welfare social club thinking – it costs too much – we are all going broke.
The national focus group will consider the various ways the federal government is able to introduce ill and flawed legislation into law. We will also be looking at past legislation and exposing the hidden beneficiaries when considering, “Who benefits?” Internet databases will be constructed so as to tally Canadian views. Also, Internet databases will be constructed so as to red flag areas of problematic human rights contraventions that accrue in various departments of the federal government.
The purpose of the focus group and Internet databases is first to give Canadians a voice that can be both heard and shared and secondly to expose the areas needing to be changed, i.e. executive welfare. The objective is to determine collectively the best and most efficient means of obtaining effective government. The goal of the focus group is not to consider other forms of government, but instead to clean house and fix the abused broken parts of the democracy we have.
It will also be the mandate of the focus group that human rights education will be taught in all Canadian schools. It will also be the mandate of the focus group to support and honour those courageous and victorious individuals who in the past defied self-serving governments and executive welfare social groups to bring about the human rights we share today. It is our obligation to ensure that the freedoms and liberties so many before us shed their blood for are remembered and their achievements are protected.