Monday, June 28, 2010


What a wonderful life it would be if only we could give democracy a chance. If we were to give democracy a chance, there would be a job for every Canadian. There would be home financing for all Canadians. There would be cures for more diseases. There would be prescription drug coverage for all Canadians. There would be effective health care for all Canadians. There would be effective law, order and justice for all Canadians. All of this and anything else that you could reasonably think of, there could be if we gave democracy a chance. The cost would be less than half of what the federal government costs Canadians now.

Saying that 2 heads are better than one thus the majority knows best can best sum up democracy. Secondly, we can say that the force of the majority is stronger and able to put the schoolyard bully in their place. First of all, in a democracy the elected Member of Parliament (MP) is supposed to represent the individuals who elected them. After all, why would we need an MP to represent us if the MP’s efforts were not to represent us?

The reason (contrary to what we would believe) we have an MP, isn’t to represent us, but instead to create an illusion that we are represented. All legislation and law brought into force is through the force of the majority. The only way to make a law in a democracy requires notice that the majority supports the law. When our MP votes to pass a bill or law their vote represents our voice. If the MP’s vote is coerced and dictated by the party, then our MP is not representing the people who elected them. Never the less, the fact that the MP votes as instructed by the party still carries the weight required to bring into law any proposed bill or legislation.

As long as the individual is controlled by the party and not the electorate, then there will not exist any democracy, but instead only the illusion. Having an MP makes absolutely no difference and the result is a government no different from socialism or communism. Our nation is a country ruled by a hierarchy that makes the rules, calls the shots and the individual has no choice but to suck it up.

The government would tell you that the people have a choice to elect a different government. This argument is another illusion to lead the individual into believing that voting for a different party can make a difference by giving choice to the electorate. It doesn’t matter what party is elected; the MP is still going to be coerced and dictated to as to how they vote. The result is still the same; the individual is still not represented by the MP, there still doesn’t exist any democracy.

Another illusion is thinking that the party runs the country. The political parties elected to office do not run the country, the bureaucrats do. The political party is the tool that allows the bureaucrats to control the country. The politicians that make up the political parties are puppets. Bureaucrats are not elected; they have been there for a lifetime. Bureaucrats can make or break any political party. If a political party has a chance to hold on to power in the next election, then the party will need to get along with the bureaucrats. This means that the bureaucrats get their own way and to ensure bureaucrats get their own way the party dictates to the MP how they are to vote so as to ensure that the bureaucrats get their way.

The relationship between bureaucrats and political parties is that the bureaucrats fill their hunger of political power and the political parties fill their hunger of feeling important. Both of these self-serving creatures feed each other diets of greed. The bureaucrats blame any shortcomings of what the electorate expect on the government and suggest the electorate change the government. The political parties blame any shortcomings of what the electorate expect on the bureaucrats, each one hiding behind the other – quite a scam.

One argument both bureaucrats and politicians throw at the electorate is that running a government is very complicated. It isn’t complicated at all; it at least doesn’t need to be. Simply using logic and common sense could quite easily run Canada. I had one top official in the Department of the CBSA tell me that if his department were to use logic and common sense it would shut down his department.

The number one reason why government makes the country complicated to run is simply because it creates financial gravy boats for self-serving politicians and bureaucrats; the executive royal welfare of this country.