So, the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto is over and the federal government is announcing that it was a huge success because 85% of countries in attendance have signed off on reducing their debt to GDP ratio. Given some countries such as the U.S. and France (just to mention 2 countries) have injected a clause into this agreement that allows each country to achieve this debt to GDP ratio in their own way and in their own time means nothing and nothing has changed really in terms of any country’s debt to GDP ratio and how and when this objective is reached.
There is one hidden impact of tabling a debt to GDP ratio and having this initiative on the G20 Summit! Each country will now be able to tell its people that services wanted and needed by the majority have to be cut in order for each country to fulfill its international agreement. Furthermore, the steering committees and sub-committees of politicians and bureaucrats that will be set up to monitor, evaluate and analyse ways and means of achieving this objective and will surely represent just another gravy boat of income for this life sucking executive welfare social club.
Another impact coming out of this G20 Summit was the experience of a nation to suppress its citizens through force. This test of experience and the long gun registry represent government efforts of finding out how effective a nation is and can be when it comes to protecting these high profile social gatherings such as international summits. When you consider the end result of these summits, the only conclusion is that they are nothing more than very expensive social gatherings. President Obama summed up what came out of the nuclear summit held in the U.S. some months ago when he said, “countries need to be more careful when handling nuclear material”. Well whoop de do! Couldn’t this have been sent on an email?
Anything that has come out of these summits is likely to be rhetoric that could have been sent by fax, email, videoconference or teleconference. What does come out of these summits is far from what we hear on the news. The back room deals and agreements that are held in secret, behind closed doors is what really come out of these summits. Anything that has to be said and agreed upon by the people’s representatives behind the backs of the people can’t be good. In fact, it is likely to be more of the kind of ill-fated performance of our politicians and bureaucrats that ultimately brought on and caused the recent economy crunch.
President Obama had the president of GM resign and he also initiated the idea of performance bonuses only if deserved by mocking performance bonuses that were paid out to CEOs. This sounds like a good idea, so why aren’t these initiatives imposed upon government politicians and bureaucrats? Given that these politicians and bureaucrats are ultimately responsible for the economy crunch, why haven’t we seen or heard of the ousting of senior bureaucrats? Of course, bureaucrats and politicians are protected.
Remember Commissioner Zachardelli of the RCMP was caught embezzling the RCMP pension fund? The last time Commissioner Zachardelli was interviewed on TV, he implicated senior bureaucrats being involved. What has happened to Commissioner Zachardelli and who are the senior bureaucrats? Why haven’t we heard more? It is most likely because of the whistle blowing we might hear if any of them were brought to justice. To make matters worse, the bureaucrat and senior advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister was appointed the new Commissioner of the RCMP. Was this to ensure that other senior bureaucrats implicated by ex-Commissioner Zachardelli were protected? There is no telling what whistle blowing would go on by these implicated senior bureaucrats in their efforts to make a deal and save their skins.
Another thing these international summits represent is the ways and means for the fund channelling of tax dollars. How much of the money allocated by various countries for different directives actually reach the mandate for which the money was pledged? How much of this money ends up in the hands of other bureaucrats and politicians of other countries? How much of this money actually will be spent on the cost of our bureaucrats and politicians wining and dining in other countries, and is part of this money a slush fund for our politicians and bureaucrats that does not require Canadian auditing and falls off the Auditor General’s radar?
Can Canada claim that this summit was a success? The debt to GDP ratio was no success with there being no change, no mandate for all countries to achieve a timely result. The African Aid directive Canada pushed was no success given that Canada’s pledge of over 2 billion dollars is half of the total money raised. It took 19 of the G20 countries just to match Canada’s contribution; is that really success? It isn’t my intention to demean the goodwill involved in helping out other countries, but when was the last time Canada reached out to Canadian needs to the tune of over 2 billion dollars?
Can you imagine a contribution of over 2 billion dollars (over 2 thousand million dollars)? What would this mean to people not able to get into drug rehabilitation centres, battered women’s shelters, day care, single mother’s services, hospices and terminal disease research? This list goes on and on. Imagine what an over 2 billion dollar contribution to the environment would have done and the jobs it would have created.
Something else I find curious about the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto is the 4 police cars that were left abandoned in the middle of the street. What happened? Did these cars just breakdown in the middle of the street before they had enough forward momentum to make it to the side of the road? Weren’t there any tow trucks available to take these police cars away? What about the police officers who were in the cars? Were they not able to push these cars 20 feet to get them off the road? Instead of any due diligence, these police cars were left in the middle of the street representing a possible hazard to fire trucks, ambulances, etc. These police cars were left in the middle of the street where it was known that protesters would be passing by. It was also known that the so called black bloc would also be passing by so vandalism and even the torching of police cars would be very likely. These police cars may have been left deliberately in hopes that they would be torched so that all Canadians would see and maybe, consequently think that the 1 billion dollar plus price tag for security was worth it and necessary.
With regard to the violence: it boggles my mind why any liberation crusaders against corrupt government would vandalize property owned by honest and innocent individuals. I suspect it is likely that at some point in time that the anger garnished by corrupt government will be turned against the true perpetrators, the politicians, bureaucrats and senators. It is sad that there isn’t peace, tranquility and non-corrupt government, but I am quite aware that the acknowledgement of human rights derived itself from the French Revolution and the beheading of state officials such as Marie Antoinette. I believe it is time that we honour and commemorate the courage of those people who went against the gutless, arrogant monarchs of the French Revolution and who are responsible for the great strive they made for the freedom of humanity. Maybe it is time for another revolution to rekindle the fear into our democratic representatives that gutless cowardice of bowing down to being told how to vote by the party and betraying the people who elected them isn’t worth it.
The Toronto G20 2010 Summit as with all other international summits held by government are a waste of time, an outrageous waste of tax dollars and only serve to create social gatherings for the international executive welfare social club. What comes out of these gatherings behind closed doors are the backroom deals that only spell no good for humanity.
There is something we can do! Be sure to watch for an upcoming article on fighting back!